Saturday, October 29, 2005

disillusionment running amok...

Where did we go wrong? Where did the lines between our past and our present become severed? Where is Waldo?

I used to believe that this country represented everything that was just and fair about the world; that we were a country who fought for equal rights for it's citizens; that we could be counted on to accept individuality and personal opinion. Boy was I wrong. That may be what we started out as some 200 years ago but we have devolved into a modern-day version of the twisted, religious-zealot promoting police state our ancestors fled from. In the last few years, I have seen more and more evidence that we are heading blindly down a road to our own damnation, not to Hell, but to internal implosion. Maybe that would be Hell, I don't know. Maybe it would be better than our current situation, where corporate whores have plundered our bank accounts in the name of free enterprise, power-hungry assholes have led us into a fight we cannot win, and equality is something only those that have God behind them can dole out to the poor masses. I remember being taught in school that our founding families left Europe to escape religious persecution and oppressive rule by a small-minded minority. They came here in search of a better way of doing things, of making decisions based on common sense and not what their God told them to do. (Do not read that wrong, I am a Christian but I don't shove it down people's throats, everyone has a right to their own personal beliefs and dis-beliefs. I do not profess that what I believe is the way and only way. I could be wrong. So could you.) In an age where we profess modernity there are still many who cannot or will not admit that "All men are created equal" and should have the right to pursue their own happiness however they see fit. One caveat on that, their own happiness as long as it DOES NOT harm another individual. And I am sorry you shall never convince me that a man or woman who wants to marry someone of the same sex and take on that responsibility is harming you. Bullshit.

I am beginning to wonder if maybe those of us left with a brain should get together and leave in search of our own refuge from oppression?

Friday, October 28, 2005

it may become habit forming...

"Let's keep it simple. First they stole an election. Then—everything else that's not nailed down."- Lee Greenburg, writing to

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Friday, October 21, 2005

the long of the short, cha-chita wearing turquoise sequins...

Whew, it's been a little while since I posted last. Sorry about that guys. I know you have all been just dying to read something profound here. (Yeah right!) Why don't we just go straight to something completely inappropriate? Thought so.

There seems to be a certain part of the population in which I am deemed, um, quite appealing. Namely the gay part of the population. Who the hell knows why. I'm not that cute. Wait, couldn't be the fact I listen to 80's and early 90's fem-pop and own shitloads of shoes could it? Hmmm....
But I digress. I probably brought this upon myself and now karma is cashing in her chips on my ass. You see, a few years ago my (so-called) best friend, she ratted me out later the fink, happened to notice another one of our friends whom we worked with was taking an interest in me. Not a female friend mind you. Said not-female-friend asked so-called-best-friend if I might be well, you know. So-called-best-friend had to tell me of course. And of course I had to be a jerk and plot, plot, plot. Not maliciously, but to have some fun. It was around this time that I had recently lost about 30 pounds and was looking pretty fit if I do say so myself :) I know, I know, I suck. You have already figured out where this is going. I started wearing tighter shirts and really nice pants. I was hot. Yes, I made it a point to casually stroll around in the same area where so-called-best-friend and not-female friend sat. It worked. He so wanted me. Not-female friend had no idea until (and this is where I question best-friends loyalty to my schemes) so-called-best-friend spilled the beans and blew it for me (and I thought I was so sneaky). Oh well. Like I said it was all in fun and Not-female friend knew it was. He is totally cool like that and still thinks it funny to this day. I however have never lived it down :{

Now, fast-forward to Wednesday night of this week. Living large with Chili's and their very tasty ribs. This is where karma kicks in and makes me shiny and sparkly to waiter-boy. Was he ever helpful and very friendly. hehe...I'm oblivious of course to what is going on until it's time for the check.

"So will this be separate checks or...?"

Wife and I look at each other and "No."

"Oh. OK. It's good to ask, cuz you never know. I always do. (nervous laughter) I hate paying for my friends even."

It hits us at the same time. Wife says, "he thinks your cuuuuuute!"

So I left a him a big tip. (Get your minds out of the gutter!)

Karma and gay boys. Go figure.

Sidenote: He was most definitely checking out my ass as we left.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

nap anyone?...

So work is um, how shall I put this kindly? Fucking Boring. So boring i may just strip naked and run around the office screaming obscenities just to get a laugh :)

Ok, maybe not totally naked but don't be surprised if I'm pants-less soon.


Eh, maybe I will just go sleep in my car for an hour. Without my pants.

Friday, October 14, 2005

random bits recorded on my phone while wandering around Wal-mart recently...

1. Chains, remember to think about chains.

2. Entrails hanging from the chandeliers.

3. Fake bones of some kind. Remember to think about fake bones.

Hmm... I would be concerned I think.

a propensity for panic...

So, it's now going into the seventh month of dual home-ownership for my wife and I. As I previously mentioned we have had several projects that have taken considerable time to accomplish. I think we are getting close finally to wrapping those most headache inducing of them up. The FLOOR. The GARAGE (aka: kitty hotel). When I married the wife I also inherited a zoo. Albeit a small one, a zoo none-the-less. We couldn't just move from one house into the other due to this little predicament. The new(52 years old new) house had wall-to-wall allergen exacerbator installed and oh hell did that have to go. We also did not want the lovely little boogers' essential toiletries inside the house as it currently is, along with their foodstuff and leisure activities. That just makes for a fucking mess. Ick. So we set out to convert the original one car garage that won't fit a car anymore into kitty heaven! That is almost accomplished now. Thank you God! Just one thing to do on the construction side of it- cut a hole in the wall for to push their fat asses thru :) Pandoura, Mr. B, Harvey (he who is the fattest of them all), you, guys, this is all going to be for you. Because we love you. And we hate to smell you.

That will complete our GARAGE portion of today's programming. Next up- The FLOOR.

Holy Crap in a hand-basket! Old houses are great because they will usually have a history as well. It gives them character and life in a totally inanimate way. Cuz, you know, dead wood and glass are just dead wood and glass. It's not like it breathes or farts in it's sleep. It might eat socks. I don't know.. anyway. Old houses are great like I said, but they do one thing pretty much the same way a person does, THEY SAG! They sag so that when I want to put down laminate flooring, which is kinda straight it won't stay down because the saggy old floor is well saggy and kinda not all the way straight. You get the idea. Another project and another trip to the hardware store to buy floor straightening stuff. Home remodeling seems to never end. TLC and before it AETN and Bob Vila heralded this era of DYI. They can all so kiss my ass. I have yet to complete anything in the span of 30 minutes. Where the hell is my time-lapse video?

Friday, October 07, 2005

hmm, they work now.. go figure


well shit...

Cannot get the links in my previous post to work. Don't know WTF is going on.

Damn! They were good too.


Two things.
1: It's turned fucking frigid here!
2: Do all public schools suck as much as my town's?

Ok, I wanted some cooler weather but this is crazy! It was 90 F last week and yesterday? Yesterday, as I was leaving work my balls booked a flight to Hawaii. I told them I couldn't go. They didn't care. Bastards, both of them.

Is it really so much to expect that my child receive a quality education without fear of being picked on by teachers and students alike? Apparantly so. Who knew? Last year, kindergarten, he did pretty well. There were a few days where he had some issues with attention and following direction. Nothing major. Ended the year with good marks. Now, oh yes, now. 1st grade has come along and let me tell you. My kid is the antichrist. He has been sent home with comments regarding talking, playing around in the halls, and sticking his little paws in other people's food. That's just in the last week and a half. Hmm.. something doth strike me peculiar. When did he become the Son of Satan? I mean really did I miss a memo? Granted I have wanted to hurl him to the nether regions on more than one occasion but I am feeling this is excessive. Today I picked him up from the line as usual, look in his folder and lo and behold! Another mark! NO! Wait! There are two marks this day. His little smiley face now has the X of death on it!! My little demon was involved in TWO crimes it seems. Today's infraction was The Hitting in the Hallway. My son's class was headed to the art room and some punk in line decides it's a good idea to hit my kid. Now, here is the part that I will not normally condone: son hits him back... not hard mind you but hitting none the less. Yep, you guessed it, graffitiness of the smiley face. Well. I had had enough of this. Off to the see the principal. So, Son relates the story of what happened and there it is. He drops the name. A name I shall not repeat but just look at this lovely little number by DODGE. Asshole, who thinks it's funny to mess with my kid. Let me tell you what you little turd, I will hunt you down and power ranger your ass buddy! seems to have a propensity for harrassing other kids. You see yesterday the son came home with a mark on his smiley face because he was struggling with see above who was trying to take from my kid the library book he had so rightfully picked out not moments before. Instead of taking care of the problem, ie: asshole, by keeping him away from my son and not letting him instigate something they just reprimand the both of them. I really hate that. It was not fair when I was in school and guess what! Still isn't. I know it is not major issues right now, but as this kid gets older, he is more than likely going to become a bully. If his parents can't or won't control him? My kid knows Tai Kwon Do dirtbag.

and the day was long...

I'm tired, it's 03:57 and I leave work in a few hours. Thank goodness. I promise to post this evening with something witty and socially applicable. Promise. Really.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

i am becoming god-like...

I rock! Not only can i write, I can code. Check out that email link directly to the right. Watch out internet! Here I come!

Oh yeah, directly to the right and slightly straight down about 2 inches. That's it.