Wednesday, June 14, 2006

the monster that lives in the toilet...

Yesterday while wandering around Lowe's, my son's half-brother (I know very complicated, I have one child and his mother is now remarried with a second, who we keep during the day for her while she is at work), began doing the hunched-over-I-am-pretty-sure-the-buick-in-my-ass-is-in-drive-dance. I rushed him to the restroom, which of course, was on the other side of the store, completely in the back. The pooping commenced.

I learned something during that excursion to waste-management land, children can lay stinkers as powerful as big people and courtesy-flushing while said child is still on the throne will result in his disengaging his ass from the seat at such a rate as to cause a significant drop in air pressure inside the bowl.


Nihilistic said...


cha said...

lol...i nearly died laughing when it happened. :)