Friday, December 16, 2005

a blog reviewed, almost...

Ok, so the wizard behind the ring, Teh Blogfather, has just dubbed me 'Cha "Tha Sarcasminator" Entertainmanator', and folks that's pretty fucking hard to say! We are awaiting his full review of the site here, I hope it is to his liking. That being said, if you don't hear from me for a few days (you know, like tomorrow?) start a search party cause my cold, dead body will probably be under some bridge in Texas or something.


Nihilistic said...

I so thought you had a type-O till I clicked on TEH blogfather

Cinnamon Spider! said...

Lol. I hope it is to his likely too. Don't worry I will be sending out a search party asap.

cha said...

hehe.. cool. i feel so much more secure!

Anonymous said...

LOL, that nickname was as hard to make up as it is to pronounce. Don't worry about dead bodies - the humourous image in your profile has bought you safety :-)