Friday, December 30, 2005

from bad to worse...

Sorry for the delay in any worthwhile posting as of late. I have been fighting illness for about 3 weeks now. It's been exhausting working and trying to do things around the house. Hopefully before the weekend is out I will grace this site with my presence again in lengthier terms. Until then...

So how was everyone's Christmas this year? I hope you all got what you wanted and also least expected!

Friday, December 23, 2005

opening it up...

Alright, I'm getting picked on by my co-workers at the moment. Me thinks the can of whoop-ass must be opened.

wishing you and yours...

From the land of cha, have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year :)

Yes, I said Christmas not holiday! That's right folks..did you think I'd be politically crapped? Nope, not this blogger. I love Christmas and by God if I want to wish every person I meet a Merry Fucking Christmas I will. So there.

So, um, eat some turkey for me will ya? I will be working until Saturday night. Such is life, no?

Saturday, December 17, 2005

again with the props...

I just came across this woman's blog tonight. She has entered one post and I put the first comment on. Don't let me be the last, she can use the support.

Friday, December 16, 2005

a blog reviewed, almost...

Ok, so the wizard behind the ring, Teh Blogfather, has just dubbed me 'Cha "Tha Sarcasminator" Entertainmanator', and folks that's pretty fucking hard to say! We are awaiting his full review of the site here, I hope it is to his liking. That being said, if you don't hear from me for a few days (you know, like tomorrow?) start a search party cause my cold, dead body will probably be under some bridge in Texas or something.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

ooohhh the hatred that is this job...

I'm going on 8 hours of listening to people (drivers) bitch about how much they (drivers) hate our company. We don't care about them (drivers), we never listen to them (again, drivers), we never give them (drivers, duh) enough miles to feed their (you get the picture, drivers) families, and, and, and.. oh fuck it! Shut the hell up!

People if you hate us this much and you cannot make any money here then um, maybe quitting would be the thing for you to do? Hmmm? Just a thought. I don't know, seems like a plausible solution to me.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

and so it begins...

First snow of the season here at home, it's all downhill from here :)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

zip tie Nazis...

So my little dog can dig. No. She can really dig. That fucker can put the auger on an oil platform to some serious shame. I had to walk to the back of my yard a few days ago to retrieve a cat that had inadvertently snuck out and nearly broke my neck stepping into a hole deeper than some trenches in the Atlantic. The only thing saving me from going down was that huge-ass Mongolian with the big hat I stepped on. Man was he pissed.
So the wife and I spent the better part of an evening closing up the gaps in the chain-link fence that surrounds our new yard. Our supplies of choice? Zip-ties and chicken wire, some plastic stakes and a rubber mallet. Oh yeah buddy! Ain't gonna be no digging now. Those gates are so zip-tied closed that I couldn't open them with an act of Congress (not that congress could get much of an act together right now anyway). But I digress. This is hopefully going to be a temporary fix until spring when we can lay some paving stones to keep the dogs from digging under the gate. Time will tell.

I don't usually go into a lot of detail about my life on here but I wanted to put down a few things I have been going through over the last couple of months. It's pretty common knowledge that I was party to the collapse of western society and all rational thought a while back. OK, nearly 8 months ago but who's counting. In that time I have also been working basically 2 full-time jobs and trying to keep up with my responsibilities at home. Weeeeelllllllll, I became what one could describe as a, oh, I don't know, raving lunatic with simultaneous thoughts of violent homicide and severe cravings for bacon. Yum, bacon. And chocolate. Wow look, new knife set! It came to the point that I basically gave up giving any kind of a shit about anything. Not good in the general sense of things. I have only had problems with depression one other time in my life and that was years ago while I was still in high school. That changed recently. I would be angry one minute, depressed the next and wanting to sleep the next. I lost perspective on where my life was heading and how the hell I was going to get there. I didn't care and just knew that there was no end in sight to all the chaos that I found myself caught up in. Not to sound like a PSA but... Today I took a first step into hopefully being able to deal with this. I talked to my doctor and he prescribed this wonderment of creation. Ok, so that's exactly like a PSA but I'm writing this shit. So there. This being day one, I have yet to experience any weird side effects like shaky hands or headache. Maybe I will just get the good ones: Weight loss and jungle-monkey-horniness!
One can always hope :)