Sunday, November 01, 2015

Wait, what year is it?

Oh, right, it's 2015. So, that means I have not published a post in, ooooooooooh, 7 years?! Oh. Oh my. Did my intrepid readers wait patiently before their laptop screens hoping for a glimmer of life from me? Were they ensconced within their fluffy duvet covers, clutching a tepid mug of Earl Grey, slowly losing all hope of an update? Doubtful, considering there were really only ever four or five followers of my prose. Ah well. Such is life! I hope to begin again the process of creation, of seeking intelligent discourse, of providing some humor. Generally, just putting my thoughts down for the world at large to critique. So, read on my fellow humans for more awaits you!

Forgive my earlier posts. Ten years tends to add a considerable amount of nuance to one's vocabulary. We will all hope for more substantial wordsmith-ing.