Friday, April 06, 2007

since when did spring=cold as fuck?

Snow. Snow all last night. In Arkansas! WTF?!?!?!

Granted it stuck around about as long as an orgasm but not nearly as much fun. I am all kinds of familiar with the weather patterns of my home state but it's April not February (hey look, I spelled it right!) and I can definitely do without wearing my winter coat and Bahama shorts. At the same time. So fucking cool you don't even have to tell me.
I guess I really shouldn't be surprised as it's Easter weekend, Cadbury season I like to say, so we should have expected some kind of freak weather pattern. You know, a hurricane or tsunami or something. Cuz that's just how it goes around here. It is totally not possible to hide Easter eggs in anything but gale force winds and hail the size of Aunt Martha's bunions. Can't be done. I do think the snow was overdoing it just a smidge.
My family usually has a big dinner and then all the adults get their kid on and run around the yard looking for the best hiding places for eggs and bear traps. hehe :) Silly Uncle Larry. Such a kidder. Then we turn all the younger ones loose and watch overzealous moms cheat by showing their mini-me's where the eggs are. Did I mention the traps?
We'll do this about, oh, 4 times until it gets to the point of hiding the eggs in body cavities for lack of better locations. Yeah, it's awkward, but if you can't violate family members who can you violate?